Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May at the Mouse House

Greetings.  Susan, the head mouse, is out of the office until mid-July!  Why?  She is attending three artist residencies in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Pickens, SC with a two-day teaching workshop in St. Louis sandwiched in-between.  We leave for Scotland on July 3 for Mathias and LJ's wedding and returning to Columbia on July 15.  I have been meaning to blog while she is away, but unfortunately on yesterday I tweaked my back stretching (to ease my back issues...go figure), and I was not up to writing.  I have since discovered that my upright position for typing actually feels ok.  This morning my back was stiff, and I felt like I could not even get out of bed.  Once up and with my back iced down for twenty minutes on and twenty minutes off, I can move around with with tolerable discomfort.  It has been a while since my back has acted up, and of course it happens when no one can take care of me, and I must keep the shop open.

The back flair-up is still another reminder that I must exercise these muscles every day... I have to admit that I had been a little lazy recently, but to twist my back touching my toes is a little much!  Time to drop a little weight off my belly, but I must get my back pain controlled.  Since we are a one car family, my only mode of transportation is the moped, and it sucks to ride a moped with a sore back!  Ibuprofen and ice will be my medicine for a while.

This weekend I will have a rental car in order to pick up her work at Palmetto Hands in Charleston (she won an outstanding merit award) on Saturday, and on Sunday I will drive more of work up to Asheville to the Grovewood Gallery.  I'm looking forward to the drive as long as my back behaves.  I will continue to post the happening at Mouse House during Susan's absence.

1 comment:

  1. Love you! Thanks for keeping the shop back in Columbia. Let Max the Cat help purr your back into shape! I'm not sure what he'll do but it will be sweet! Your Mousewife, aka artist in residence!
