Friday, August 19, 2011

Off to Charleston

Susan is still in Hot Springs National Park as their Artist-in-Residence for the month of August. I will fly out on a one-way ticket on the 31ST, and we will drive back over the Labor Day holiday. Saturday, August 20TH, I have the pleasure of attending a wedding in Charleston at St. Philip's Church. Lauren Slocki, who is the sister of Philip, Mathias's roommate and best friend at The Kirov Academy of Ballet, is getting married at 5PM with the reception at The Old Exchange Building. I will be leaving bright and early Saturday morning. Since Susan took the car, my mode of transportation has been our moped. Although it would be quite an adventure to take the moped to Charleston, sane minds prevail and I will be renting a car for the trip.

One of the things I've always wanted to do is to ride my bike across the Cooper Bridge Bridge. Thanks to a very generous upgrade from Enterprise, I will be able to take my bike in the Ford Explorer they rented to me for $19.99/day! I plan on driving to Patriot's Point and ride to my heart's content or until heat stroke sets in. I am hoping that I can take pictures from the top of the bridge. I will also take pictures at the wedding. If I survive my trip I'll post some next week.


Wanda said...

Wow...that bridge is uphill, Steve...well, and then it's downhill. Does it have a separate bike path? it's beautiful! Please don't have heatstroke though. I'm very glad that you are flying to get Susan! I am so sure you'll love the drive! Have fun at the wedding and please be careful on your bike!

Susan Lenz said...

Hi! I can't wait to see your photos!
Your Mousewife

Anonymous said...

Hi, I remember when we were there with you and you said that someday you would ride this bridge. Glad you got to do it. Glad I didn't! Linda